How to solve
Haunted Cabin

What do I do first?

Examine everything. And when you enter the cabin, examine everything again! You will find a lot of things.

How do I open the lockbox?

It's on the TV.

How do I escape the cabin?

Examine the bookcase and take the book to reveal a gap. You will get something from the lockbox to put in the bookcase.

What do I do with the broom?

You need to enter the forest first and explore there.

How do I use the broom?

While carrying the broom, TAP ingredient. E.G. Tap Dog.

I escaped the room, but not really. Now what?

Did you remember to examine the litter? Did you find anything there? It will help you get into the closet off the lobby.

How do I use the book?

You need the torch first.

Where do I use the torch?

The smears in the cabin. Shine it on the walls there.

What's the magic word?

The wall reads "SAY MAGIC WORD". Be as literal as you can.

I have all I need! Now what?

Drop the cauldron on the sigil with the right ingredients and you will win the game!

Solving the Puzzle Hunt Puzzle

Where's the hidden puzzle?

It's the podcast. You can find it in the credits.

Do I have to listen to the whole thing?

No. There are clues in the game and two times stamps of when to listen. However, you may have to restart the game to see those clues.


I can't understand what Errol is saying!

No one can. However, his profile on may help:

I don't know how or care to use the social media platform indicated.

Go to

Search for what you need to search for.

Sort by the latest, and you will see everything from the latest to the first

You only need to pay attention to the earliest parts and Errol tells you the final tweet.

How many animals should there be?

There will be six animals.